Ni buku keren bgddd,,,
Isinya tuh tentang puisi2 bwt sahabat qta yang terkasih,,,
Keren2 dan puitis banged,, kalo qta kasih puisi ini bwt sahabat kita,
mreka psti bakal terharu berattt,,
Salah satu contoh puisinya itu;
if you have a secret that you want to tell, we can talk all the day. if your dream somehow breaking apart, i will remind that you belong to the right place. if you need a place to hide away, you can hold my hand for a while. if your sky start to fall down, i will stay until you give me your smile. whenever you need a space, there's my room, you can use it. if someone broke your heart, together we will fix it. when you feel sad or empty, i will show you that you're not alone. if you get lost out there, i will come and bring you home. i will go with you when you need to go away. and when everything seem not alright, and you need a best friend ... i will always stay beside you.Tp ini aku bahasa inggriskan,,
Sebenernya sih buku ini ditulis pke bhs inggris,
yang di indonesiakan sama penerbit, trus aq bhsa inggriskan lagii,, hahaha, ribettt,,
soalnya lebih keren kalo pke bhs inggris, biar gak mellow bgd,, khihihihi
사랑해 . . . 내 친구. . . <3 <3 <3
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