Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Stack February

Okay, it's a really early February of my book shopping. I bought:

Slam Dunk 8,9,10 (keren bgt oiiii) 
100% Perfect Girl 6 (psikopat semua sih isinya )
Conan 71 (aih, cakepnya Shinichi)
Marry Me, Mary! 4 (heh, ayah yang sangat egois)
DN Angel 13 (....no comment)
Pandora Hearts 18 (ha.ha.ha *tertawa pahit)
Dawn of the Arcana 8 (kenapa manusia doyan bgt perang? anak2 cuman kayak alat buat orang tuanya. kejam)
Goong, side story (jangan baca ini klo gk mau ketularan gila. stres sih isinya )
Psychic Detective Yakumo 4,5 (hantu hihihi)

Terus beli novel satu. Bikinan Karla M. Nashar, lanjutannya Love, Hate, and Hocus-Pocus yaitu Love. Curses, and Hocus-Pocus (hmm, so so lah. bagusan yang pertama)

Hahaaa, this mean next month i really can't buy book anymore. My budget already spent on this! ><
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