Title: Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)
Author: Kendare Blake
Publication Date: October, 2014
Publication Date: October, 2014
Publisher: Mizan Fantasy
Language: Indonesia
ISBN13: 9786021606995
Language: Indonesia
ISBN13: 9786021606995
... kakinya terseret dengan cara yang mengerikan.
Rambutnya hitam pekat, bergerak di udara seakan terapung ...
gaunnya... basah dan merah ... aku bisa mendengar gerakannya berdesir di udara...
Dan, kini, Anna berdiri di atasku, laksana Dewi Kematian, dengan bibir hitam dan tangan dingin.
Well, I decided to buy this book because of a booktuber review on Youtube. Actually she didn't do full review, just a statement that this book is amazing. I checked it on GR and the premise sound fun. A ghost buster who fall in love with a ghost, interesting right? The rating is not bad either, 3.9. So after found out that there is an Indonesian edition that is way cheaper than the original edition, I just bought it immediately.
This is a typical print from Mizan which is taller than Gramedia print. It's light, typeface, font size, and spacing is fine. The cover--well it's not my auto buy cover (yes I judge a book by it's cover, don't judge me!), but pretty and scary enough. No illustrations of color inside but there are blood-like ornament on each even pages.
The story told from our main male protagonist first point of view, Cas. This book is a duology ;)
Our main character is Cas or Theseus Cassio Lowood. There is something about that name, but I'm not interested. Let just say, I 99% love my male protagonist. But, I don't really like Cas. Bad, bad sign. Sigh. He is immature and stupid. He supposed to be a ghostbuster with some years experiences but I can't fell that. I fell like he is just trained to be a ghost buster. What? Sigh.
Anna. Anna. Yes she is beautiful dangerous scary and everything but for me she is just normal. She experienced some restriction and abuse and something in the past that make her haunt her own house and killed everything that set feet in her house. But for me that reason not good enough for me to make her super ghost-or something.
There are a kind and nice queen bee called Camel and the wizard Thomas. They are fine I guess, although Camel is sort of unbelievable.
Okay, this is a major problem. Do you know instalove? This is 100% BOOM INSTALOVE y'all! Anna supposed to kill everything that get into her house but Cas? No I will let Cas alive, because he got something, in Anna head. I can't see anything special from Cas, Anna please tell me! Oh the frustation... I expect to much, it's half my fault.
Cas saw Anna and after that he keep thinking about her who letting him alive and vise versa. Okay, whatever.
That instalove is a turn off for me. I need a strong reason why. Or I have to love the characters much for me to accept everything. It just, okay story...
Overall i give it 3 stars.
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